Kilmessan/Dunsany Parish
March 22nd 2020 Tel: 046-9025172 Coronavirus wk 2 Fourth Sunday of Lent
Reflecting on the past week – For most of us the past week has been surreal. We have accepted that there is a national crisis, yet we see little sign of a storm. However, we know in our hearts that we must cooperate and follow the Government and HSE guidelines, keeping our distance to save lives and washing our hands etc. On Friday I had the sobering experience of hearing that a friend has been hospitalised after testing positive with covid 19. His wife cannot visit as she is in isolation.
Religious Services – We have no public Masses as directed by the Bishop. However by now many have discovered ‘Streaming’ from Navan and other parishes as well as the daily Mass on RTE News Now at 10.30am. I remind you that I have a private Mass every day at which I pray for the parish and all involved in the battle against this disease. We can support all our own parishioners working on the frontline during these days. If anyone would like to chat or share a worry you know where I reside. In fact this time can be opportune to reflect on one’s spiritual life.
First Holy Communion & Confirmation– These sacraments are postponed. The children and young people involved can use this time to focus on being good Christians. You can discover the mystery of love by building nests of love in your homes. Patience, forgiveness and making little sacrifices are character building qualities that are integral in your preparation. It would be nice if you could read some of the lessons in your RE books. Our country needs God’s help at this time. You can be his instruments by washing your hands and by being careful. Also by speaking to him and Our Lady, you can bring special blessings on our country. Don’t forget to pray.
Lent– Yes, we have a special penance this year. Why does God allow something ‘evil’ devastate so many of our plans? We know that he loves us and is always with us. That is the mystery. One by- product of this out-break is that the ecological environment is improving and you may have noticed that people are watching out for each other. I find a new warmth and generosity in many people. Some say that our country is experiencing a cultural change. The positive power of social media is coming into relief as people can still communicate using apps and skype etc. Doctors have developed more efficient ways of making diagnosis when patients call. Are we re-discovering something deeper at work in our society?
Prayer – Most of us know some of the traditional prayers taught to us by parents and teachers. See the leaflet in church porches from the Diocese. My friend sent me this prayer which comes from Singapore:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of good health and peace we have enjoyed for so many years. As we find ourselves in this time of crisis, we ask for your divine intervention and mercy to be upon each of us.Come and guide the minds of those working to discover a treatment for the COVID-19 virus. Grant them wisdom, knowledge and clarity of mind, so that all peoples will be free from the threat of this ailment. We also pray for the healthcare workers who stand on the frontline of this battle. Father, we thank you for the goodness of their hearts, as they put the needs of society before their own, generously responding to the cry of your people. We ask that you grant them strength and protection;
As they give of themselves in selfless service, may you fill them with your Holy Spirit.
Father, we also surrender to you all those who have been afflicted with this illness. Grant them your healing grace for a speedy recovery. Mother Mary, intercede in this time of need. Cover each of us with your blue mantle of protection, so that preserved in good health we may continue to glorify your son, Jesus Christ. We make this prayer through Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer.
Exposition on Tuesday in (Kilmessan) from 10am-11 & (D) Thurs. 10am-11
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