We owe it to each other to observe the advice of the health professionals including: wash hands again and again (reciting the Our Father and Hail Mary takes the same time as singing Happy Birthday twice), no touching the face, keep two metres apart, self isolate if necessary, use disposable tissues and gels sensibly etc etc .
Church Services-There will be no public Masses in the Diocese of Meath. We are in reflective mode. Here I celebrate a private Mass every day. If we have a funeral numbers will be limited to 100. There will be no handshaking. Parish and undertakers will plan the protocols, guided by the HSE. I pray for the parish and all those caring for us during this crisis.
A Creative Time-Life constantly challenges us to adapt to new circumstances. Whether it is a sports injury, bereavement or financial crisis we humans continually deal with the unexpected. This of course is not an easy time, but we can gain something too. Children can mature by having to be creative and families challenged by new contexts can learn to cope by caring and indeed by loving at a deeper level. New routines will be developed and perhaps for many this will be a productive adventure. Prayer in the home is not always an easy subject. In the past the Rosary was regularly recited in the evening. This is a time when at least the occasional prayer could be said as a family as we don’t have our regular Sunday Eucharist. Those with access to the internet can find suitable prayers and even the Mass itself as it is being streamed by many parishes including Navan and Mulingar. LM/FM Mass will be broadcast Sunday at 9am from Kilsaran and next Sunday from Dunshaughlin. How fortunate we are..
Contact I am available at the end of the phone or by arrangement. Someone has said it is a good time to phone a friend or relative. Reaching out can be a real comfort to someone who is lonely or anxious. You can be a gift if you can listen patiently and sympathetically, without having to take on the emotional sufferings of others.
We go ahead. Let us be in unity, even at a distance.
Fr T.Toner P.P.