Hello boys and girls,
I thought I should send you a little message during this unusual time. By now you are getting used to a new routine. Instead of packing your lunch and coming to school, you are working at home. I know that this is not always easy either for you or your parents or for your teachers. It is an exceptional time. Sometimes in life our plans are upset and we just have to do our best to be happy with what we have. Thank God we are all well.
I ask you to say your prayers well as we are asking Jesus, Mary and our Heavenly Father to help us overcome this virus. We prayer for the doctors, nurses, and all hospital workers. We also pray for our government who will guide our country through this difficulty.
What can we do? We can do a lot by keeping in a good mood (most of the time) and by being helpful at home. Your parents and all who look after you may be tired. Every little thing can help.
I wish you well and I pray of all of you every day.
Keep safe and well,
Fr Toner