Kilmessan/Dunsany Parish
March 29th 2020 Tel: 046-9025172 Coronavirus wk 3 Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Third Week– It is difficult to believe that it is over two weeks since the schools closed and we have moved on to more restrictions. I wonder how people are doing. We must salute those in our parish and in the wider community who are manning the local shops and also those working in the caring professions. The media is keeping us well informed on developments regarding knowledge of the progression of the virus and how different countries are coping. Discipline is the key word, remembering to observe the routine of hand washing distancing and now isolating etc. We need to slow down and find a new rhythm to our lives so that we are not overwhelmed by all the information coming at us. Sadly, it is taking some time to acquire a spiritual understanding of our predicament. One wise person has said, ‘It is a mistake to think that we can avoid catastrophes’. History teaches us that mankind cannot eliminate these tragic events and by our wars and conflicts we reveal how ultimately we depend on God.
Pope Francis– The Holy Father prayed for the city and the world in a special event on Friday evening in his Urbi et Orbi reflection and blessing from St Peter’s. He took ‘The Calming of the Storm’ (Mt 8: 23-27), to convey his thoughts. The disciples thought that Jesus, who appeared to be asleep in the boat, was oblivious to their peril, whereas in fact he was more aware than they were of what was happening. Perhaps God is teaching us something new in this time of peril. He is with us and is calling us to have faith and not to be afraid of the unknown.
Prayer– This is a wonderful opportunity to discover the gift of prayer. As we take some time out for exercise we can recite some or all of the Rosary. As I said before, most households have a computer with access to the internet. Many Catholic sites have prayers and different formulae for religious celebrations. Of course Masses are being streamed and as we are in Lent there are various texts for the Stations of the Cross. During this holy season we are drawn more closely to the suffering Jesus. Imagine being in a hospital ward as a patient or as a nurse or doctor. That experience of suffering must be a great challenge. In our imagination we can identify with those people who are carrying the cross of illness. Furthermore, in our prayer we can carry some of that burden as we offer our support. Surely this has to be the Christian response to the suffering of others. We remember that for now we may be sharing the darkness of others, but in the light of the Easter mystery we are confident of being raised up into the light of the risen Christ.
Recent Deaths: Please pray for Gertie Loughran R.I.P., Robinstown who was interred in Kilmessan on Tuesday. This was a small funeral as only 10 family members are allowed to attend. However some parishes have found other ways of showing solidarity with bereaved families. Also remember Adrian Bartley, nephew of Bridie Duffy, Dunsany who died during the week. Adrian had special needs and was in a nursing home R.I.P.
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Kilmessan Dunsany Parish Newsletter 29th March 2020