Kilmessan/Dunsany Parish
June 7th 2020 Tel: 046-9025172 Most Holy Trinity
Please pray for Kitty McIntyre R.I.P. Dunsany. Kitty will always be remembered with great fondness. She endured many sessions of medical treatment so courageously while maintaining her interest and care for family and community. We also extend our sympathies to the McPhelim family who have lost a loving and caring husband, father and brother. Thomas was a young man, taken suddenly from those who loved him. May they rest in peace.
Cemetery Prayers– For the moment we cannot plan the annual devotions for obvious reasons. However we shall include prayers on next weekend’s video. Our cemeteries are places of peace and prayer. Fortunately they are respected and well cared for.
Word of Life (June)- “Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” (Mt. 10:40)
Racism– The images of social unrest coming from the U.S. are disturbing. They show how far we have to go to achieve social harmony. African Americans have endured a sad history of abuse and to this day suffer lack of opportunity in many spheres of life including education, medical care and job opportunities. It is never an easy task to turn around oppression. It is a complex challenge and violence is not the answer. We must do our best to remove any traces of injustice in our society. We are all equal under God.
Opening up.. It seems that we are doing well in the battle against Covid-19. Already there is an atmosphere of optimism. We are more relaxed in ourselves as the numbers drop. People have been so good in complying with the demands of distancing and hygiene. Kilmessan /Dunsany have benefited from the kindness of many who have reached out to those who needed a hand. Personally I’d like to thank those who have delivered goodies and groceries to me. Those in our local shops deserve special thanks. They were so kind and helpful from the beginning when there was great uncertainty about the spread of the virus. They never hesitated to serve. Well done.
Of course it is far from over and we must continue to be careful and disciplined as we go forward. With more freedom comes the responsibility to take precautions. It is so easy to let down one’s guard.
Schools – We are all wondering what arrangements will be made in schools to facilitate learning in the months ahead. Teachers have had this challenge since the closedown and have had to move beyond their normal working environment. It has been difficult for most. At least now we do see light ahead.
Recreation– We have been blessed with sunshine over recent weeks. This has made lockdown easier to bear. How wonderful to see families taking walks and playing together. Perhaps we have rediscovered the joy of doing simple things. Children will remember this aspect of sharing together. Could it be that parents too will look back with nostalgia at such precious moments? As traffic increases we will relearn the need to watch out and as new little feet strike the pedals we need to be careful.
Back to Church? – We hope to have public Masses soon again. Bishop Deenihan is to write to us next week. Distancing will be required for some time and that will require some effort. Up to 25 will be allowed attend funerals. We have been so fortunate in not having many covid deaths and hopefully we will not have any more. Take care and keep the spirits up……See the parish website